Thursday, November 7, 2013

I have uploaded on the line a video walk-through of the area on to show what the finished level looks like.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

For the past while I have been trying to model the assets for the level. Below are pictures of the textured models and the textures that I used.

Enemy Spaceship

Inside and Top of the ship

The outer shell of the ship

Thrusters for the ship

I designed the ship in a landed state and decided to use the shell as its landing gear so it keeps its natural shape. I put thrusters on the sides so then it has a way to display how it flies.

Players Ship

Spaceship shell

Spaceship legs

Like I said earlier I designed the ship to look similar to the Apollo 15 space craft to signify that is the players ship. I had the door open to show they had exited that craft.

Gate and Walls

Walls and gates

The gates and walls I had designed to block off the exits and entrances to the areas to halt the players progression until the objective has been reached.

Gingerbread buildings


UV Map for the buildings

Seamless gingerbread

For the buildings I had mad a seamless gingerbread texture to apply to the buildings. Then I added a door and windows which I tried to make look like it was made from icing.



Choc scoop

Vanilla scoop

The cone I used a a waffle texture and seamless ice cream textures for the ice cream.

Friday, September 13, 2013

With that assets list I've taken it and started to search the web for concept images.

I had chosen to use a watermelon for the enemy spaceship because it is a large fruit that has a hard external casing and it has a round symmetrical shape as opposed to other fruit.

I chose to go with the generic ‘moon landing’ spaceship for the player so when they see it they can hopefully immediately understand that is their ship that crash landed.

For the gates and walls I want to use large blocks of chocolates and chocolate cubes because it sort of represents bricks and also give a sense of scale for the height in the world.

I want to do gingerbread buildings because when I asked around what people picture when told to think of a ‘candy house’ most replied with the tale Hansel and Gretel. In that fairy tale the witches’ house is a gingerbread house (in some variations of the tale).

I've chosen to do ice-cream cones for trees because they are similar shapes to normal trees for example there body is thin but it gets larger at the top.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I have been working on an assets list for all the environmental things in the game. That list contains:

Players Spaceship
Enemy Spaceship
Gingerbread houses
Gingerbread Workshop

Bordering trees


Saturday, August 10, 2013

I have come up with an map design for the level.

I have set it up so that each area is like an arena that the player must complete certain objectives to move on to the next. Once complete the player can move to the next area through the long path which is to represent a path to glory.

In the first area the player needs to survive the onslaught of enemies before the next area opens up.
Area 2 they will need to collect items to assemble the weapon while enemies are attacking.
The next area is another survival while the weapon is being put together.
Then they go and kill 150 enemies with the new weapon.
finally the need to disable the enemy ships by destroying their weak spots.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The player is a human from earth visiting other worlds. When he lands the candy people give him a candy gun in exchange for your service.

The candy people are the natural inhabitants of the land, they are cheerful, and friendly.

The fruit people are the enemies, they are strong and mean, trying to eliminate everything.

The world is made of candy, everything is bright and colorful.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Below are pictures I've gotten off the web for ideas as to what I can base the environment of the game on.

Here are a few ideas as to what the characters could be.